Geneva Greens pocket second seat in State Council elections
The Green Party of Geneva won a second seat in last Sunday's State Council elections, resulting in a red-green majority (the State Council is the government of the Republic and Canton of Geneva). The incumbent Robert Cramer (Green) called the result "fantastic" and said that it confirmed the good result of the recent Great Council elections, where the Greens won 5 additional seats to become the third biggest party in Geneva's parliament (the right had won a majority). Both Robert Cramer and the newly elected David Hiller are considered pragmatic non-polemic personalities.
New Geneva State Council
- Pierre-Francois Unger (CVP) 54080
- Robert Cramer (Green) 53710
- David Hiler (Green) 53267
- Francois Longchamp (FDP) 51940
- Charles Beer (SP) 49873
- Mark Muller (Lib) 45049
- Laurent Moutinot (SP) 43941
Hab ja gar nicht gewusst, dass du so aktiv bist!!
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